
ExploretheancientcoastalredwoodstothetopofBearMountinaboardan1890sauthenticallypreservedsteamtrain.,Thesteamengineweavesthroughlushredwoodgrovesanddeepforests,crosseswoodentrestlebridges,andswitchbackturns.Enginesclingtothemountainsideas ...,JoinusforavisittoTheRoaringCampSteamTrainlocatedinSantaCruz,California.Inthisvlogwetakeyouforarideonthisawesome ...,Exploretheancientcoastalredwoodsaboard...

Redwood Forest Steam Train

Explore the ancient coastal redwoods to the top of Bear Mountin aboard an 1890s authentically preserved steam train.

Redwood Forest Steam Train

The steam engine weaves through lush redwood groves and deep forests, crosses wooden trestle bridges, and switchback turns. Engines cling to the mountainside as ...

Riding The AWESOME Redwood Forest Steam Train In Santa Cruz ...

Join us for a visit to The Roaring Camp Steam Train located in Santa Cruz, California. In this vlog we take you for a ride on this awesome ...

Roaring Camp Railroads

Explore the ancient coastal redwoods aboard Roaring Camp's authentically preserved trains, the Redwood Forest Steam Train and the Santa Cruz Beach Train. Redwood Forest Steam Train · Forest Train Archives · Holiday Lights Train

Roaring Camp Steam Train Through Santa Cruz Redwoods

評分 4.5 (316) Board a historic steam train for a 1-hour ride through the Santa Cruz mountains from Felton's Roaring Camp, and go deep into redwood groves and California's ...

San Francisco, USA Round Trip Redwood Forest Steam Train + ...

Take a steam train and ride through the pristine redwood forest! Next, head to the Santa Cruz Pier. Stroll along the pier and enjoy the beau.

Steam Train in the Redwoods - Roaring Camp Railroads

評分 4.0 · Tita M As of 2011, Redwood Forest Steam Train tickets are $24 for adults and $17 for children. Santa Cruz Beach Train tickets are $26 for adults and $20 for children.

Upcoming Events

Roaring Camp Railroads: Redwood Forest Steam Train. Redwoods Roaring Camp train. December 1, 2024 @ 10:30 am – 2:30 pm PST. more event dates ...

[Santa Curz] Roaring Camp Railroads 紅木森林路線

這一次來到Roaring Camp Railroad 搭火車, 我們先選了紅木森林路線Redwood Forest Steam Train 的蒸汽火車來搭搭看~~~ 這個全程要1.5 hrs 的路程.